Refugio 121-Monterrey, MX

For little as $50.00 per month you can help protect a life from Chaos. Refugio 121 offers free of charge, a home with everything a child needs to direct them to a healthy physical, mental and emotional development, as well as spiritual guidance.

Staff at Refugio 121

4 full-time 24/7 house parents (first row and back to left).3 Part-time psychologist, social worker and counselor back row.

Counseling is very important at the 121

Psychological testing can accelerate the healing process.

Short Term mission trips help Refugio 121


Refugio 121 Casa Hogar, AC, It is a social assistance association founded on May 25, 2006 by Lic. José Juan Dávila Molina. Refugio 121 has a unique model. All the food, shelter and necessary daily items are donated by Nationals. Refugio relies on donations to provide the professional assistance the children need to be healthy.


Provide shelter to children and adolescents at risk, providing what is necessary to achieve optimal development in each of them, in order to be reintegrated into the family in a healthy and timely manner.

Our Mission at 121

TIME Mission Short Term Mission Trips allow you to provide help to children and adolescents at risk.  Your support by going, giving and or praying helps provides for the children's care. Consider going and or giving, always pray!


To effectively address the problems of our beneficiaries, through the development and application of quality programs that allow us to guarantee the comprehensive development of minors served.